negative space…

20150803_113616I’m leaving some space today.  I have constantly filled my time lately.  And just decided to leave a gap.  To take a break,  a breath,  just sigh for a moment.
To enjoy the peace and quiet.

Why do we constantly fill our days with noise?  Are we afraid of what our minds will say when they’re free to fill that space? Do we hate the quiet?  Are we afraid of what thoughts will arise?
While I was an art major, we talked of negative space almost as much as positive space. Negative space is the space between. It is that pause in music before it builds to the powerful chorus or crescendo. That moment in a play or musical where it gives time to let things sink in to the audience. Fill the space with thought. To let the weight of the words that were just said, hang in the air.

To pause, to think, to ponder, to rest.

In art, they talk of the way the eye moves across and through a piece. Negative space allows the viewer’s eye to rest. It gives shape and meaning to things going on in the forefront. It gives borders and boundaries. It’s not nothing. It’s as important as the positive space. And ironically, although called negative, it’s not negative at all. It’s necessary. It’s what allows us to appreciate what’s going on in the composition, in the piece of artwork itself.
All I know is that today was not long enough and tomorrow will be back to the grind,  but for today……     Taking a deep breath……  Letting my mind rest in the pauses and breaks before life comes back to a full crescendo.